Use Git with the CLI with GitHub

Use Git with the CLI with GitHub

In my last article, I covered the topic of how git works. Today it's about the usage with the command line interface.

Why should I use git CLI

The most important reason is time-saving. Since you are faster when you use your terminal and write a few short commands instead use a GUI. You could even improve your speed with git aliases. I already covered aliases in a previous article.

How to use the CLI

Start a new project

First, you need git installed on your machine. Then you open your terminal or Command Prompt. If you are using ubuntu you need to press CTRL + ALT + T, with windows run WIN + R opened Terminal and type cmd and press enter. Then cd in your project folder. CD in Project folder Then use

git init

to create a new git project. created new git project

Then I recommend creating a README file and enter there the Project title. I prefer to use nano for that, so I use

nano end safe and exit with CTRL + X, Y, and ENTER. Then I create a new Github repo and fill out the form example repo end press Create repository.

Then are you at a page like that git init page where we use the …or push an existing repository from the command line selection. so copy the first line and past it in your terminal like that repo git terminal After that you use

git add .

to add all files to a commit and then you use

git commit -m "init"

to commit the files with the commit message init and then you use

git push -u origin master

If you are using aliases like me this should look like that

Screenshot from 2020-07-27 22-50-04.png Screenshot from 2020-07-27 22-53-04.png

If you don't have an error it should look like this Screenshot from 2020-07-27 22-57-36.png and the commit history on the right should look like this Screenshot from 2020-07-27 22-58-32.png

I cover the verified commits in one of the next articles.

When you run in some error, I cover it in another article, tell me your errors in the comments, so I can help you with them.

Which commands can I use

The commands are covered in the next article. Where I also mention the flags you can use.